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"Thriving in a World of Change" - Talk by Dr. Bruce Lipton - Seattle, July 2024 (Part 3)

Writer's picture: Natalia BoffiNatalia Boffi

Summarizing the previous parts:

In the first part of Dr. Bruce Lipton's talk, he highlighted how society has programmed us to be victims and not feel that we have the power to heal ourselves. Lipton used the example of a popular weight loss medication, where advertising convinces viewers that factors such as stress, exercise, real food, and sleep are not controllable by the individual. This manipulation allows corporations to create problems and then sell solutions, even inventing eating disorders like orthorexia nervosa to penalize those who want to eat healthily.

According to scientific journals like JAMA and BMJ, the top three causes of death worldwide since 2000 have been cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and iatrogenesis (diseases resulting from medical treatments). Dr. Lipton criticized the outdated use of the Newtonian scientific method in modern medicine, emphasizing the need to see the individual as a mind-body unit to achieve true healing.

In the second part of the talk, Dr. Bruce Lipton delved into essential concepts for generating a paradigm shift. He explained that epigenetics, the study of how external factors and the environment influence gene expression, shows that we can change the expression of our genes by modifying our beliefs and perceptions. This discovery challenges the traditional view that genes control biology.

Lipton presented several key topics:

  • Mind over genes (epigenetics)

  • Quantum physics (the energy of the universe)

  • Stress (responsible for 90% of the health crisis)

  • The matrix (programmed life)

  • Spirituality (true)

Dr. Lipton emphasized that science must advance towards a holistic understanding of the human being, where the mind and body are treated as an interconnected whole.

In this third part, I will present what I interpreted from Dr. Lipton about Quantum Physics and the energy of the universe.

As you may have often heard me say in my Qi Gong practices, we are energy and everything is energy, because if we look closely, everything is made up of atoms, and atoms are made up of protons and electrons, so everything is energy. We are immersed in an energy field of which we are all part. As Albert Einstein once said: "The field is the sole governing agency of the particle" (cf. image 1). Everything vibrates: energy vibrates, and matter vibrates (cf. image 2).

Here is where the concept of constructive interference comes into play (cf. image 3), where two vibrations can intertwine, and both add up, gaining more power than either of them separately. The phrase humans use when the entanglement occurs constructively is “good vibes” (cf. image 4). The opposite extreme is two resonant vibrations, that is, they have the same waves but are out of phase. It is a connection, but the frequencies cancel each other out. It is called destructive because now the power is canceled for both people involved (cf. image 5). And that is called "bad vibes" (cf. image 6). This means that wherever you are, the energy is antagonistic to you and you feel weaker.

Think about this: we don't have to intellectualize everything, just feel it. This is the way of Nature. All organisms on this planet, from the most primitive to the most advanced, use this as a compass in a certain sense... to find the way forward. Humans are unique because we also have language. So, instead of being guided by feelings, most people are programmed to “not follow their feelings; instead, listen to what someone has to say.” Well, the moment you do that, you lose the most important guidance system that a living organism has. We have this great compass that all organisms use to know if they are in the right place or not. Nature gave every organism this ability. Why wouldn’t we use it?

The answer is because programming says "don’t pay attention to that." We can be programmed not to use our best sense. For example, what is Feng Shui? Feng Shui recommends that we surround ourselves with objects with vibrations that empower us, like a crystal. So, when we are in a room, the energy enhances us all the time. All our problems are unconscious, invisible, and come from within us. Unless we know that, we will be stuck forever. People need to see this invisible influence in their lives, because being invisible means they don't understand why things happen, and yet they do. Knowledge is power, the power to survive and thrive!

So, going back to Einstein’s phrase, we can also say that "The mind is the sole governing agency of the body," therefore, we can also say that biological processes are governed by quantum physics and not just Newtonian physics (cf. image 8). And it is a fact since quantum physics is the most valid of all sciences (cf. image 9). Max Planck (1858-1947) said: "All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... we must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter" (cf. image 10).

The prestigious scientific journal Nature published a study called "The Mental Universe," and the author Richard Conn Henry, a professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, concludes the study with a phrase: "The Universe is immaterial: mental and spiritual. Live and enjoy" (cf. image 11). For quantum physics, consciousness creates the experience of our life. And this is not philosophy, but physics (cf. image 12).

Today, I will leave it here to allow you to digest the shared information and give you time to research more on your own. Surely questions will arise, do not hesitate to share them in comments or by sending a message. I might not have all the answers, but a community is for that: to support each other, grow together, and accompany each other in the process of evolution. Tomorrow I will continue sharing more about Dr. Lipton's talk.

Thank you for reading!

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